Saturday 23 September 2017

Smiling faces and Sniper Shots

Human life is full of faces. We are surrounded by so many faces in our day to day life that we become immune to almost all of them. Meeting new faces and living with old faces get the same priority making our life highly mechanical. Many a times, we don’t even realize that the age old faces we have been seeing throughout our life are the ones that take us for a ride. At the end of the day, when we look back at our life, time engraves it with all those tear drops that we hid inside our eyes secretly.

Have we ever paused to think about the value of such unexpressed tear drops which probably only our pillow knows most of the times?

Have we ever waited for a moment to think if some relationships are really worth the pain we are experiencing because of them?

Smiling faces are Sniper Shots 

At one point of time or the other, many of us experience betrayal in life. The word betrayal is applicable only where the word faith exists. We believe in some relationships so blindly that we get to see their other face only when they betray us. It is this betrayal that teaches us about the two faces and two hearts they have been living with. We feel lost in hysterical wilderness. We take a lot of time to recover from the state, wasting more precious time on such undeserving relationships. Their smiling face and honey coated words which once gave us immense pleasure keeps hitting our mind like sniper shots mutilating each cell in our body.

Do we really deserve such sniper shots when the face fakers continue making more faces to betray more and more people?

Recognize the wrinkled minds and inferior hearts

We get back stabbed many a times in life and it is not the mistake of people who back stab us. It is our misplaced trust that has made them back stab us. We get hit by sniper shots called betrayals again and again. Let us not blame the snipers. We stood in a close range with them and that facilitated them to shoot us. Like a coin that has two sides, every human has two faces. No one is obliged to show us both their faces at all points of time. Everybody has the right to show only the face they want to reveal to us. It is up to us to identify the people with wrinkled minds and inferior heart in each stage of our life.

Is it really possible to identify people with Wrinkled minds and Inferior hearts? Let us see.

Listen to the ‘silent voice’ of your mind

Our mind is a great communicator. It communicates with us through vibrations that never lie. It interacts with us in a ‘silent voice’ and this silent voice is known as Intuition. Intuition is the super power that lies within each one of us waiting for us to listen. When we look at the physical face of people, our intuition monitors the vibrations emitted by the other person during the interaction. Trusting our intuition, which is actually the spy, makes us identify the 'fake facers' silently.

We are only as blind as we want to be

The inevitable reality unfortunately is that, we will be surrounded by relationships all through our life. 'Fake facers' are present all around us. Not all those who smile in front of us are good and all those who frown on our face are bad. Smiling faces can many a times be sniper shots. We have two choices in life. We can either decide to live with 'fake facers' till the end of our life taking the sniper shots again and again on us. Or we can move away from the face fakers to a safe distance where we will not be hit by the sniper shots any more. After all, we are only as blind as we want to be.

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