Tuesday 19 June 2018

Relationships - It is so hard to leave… until you leave

Is it not true that we hesitate to get out of many relationships for one reason or the other all throughout our life?

How many times have we looked beyond a pain causing relationship believing that there is brighter life post breakage? 

Is it not true that prolonged association with wrong relationships makes us feel pessimistic about the world around?

What stops us from severing such relationships that lack passion, trust, respect and honesty? Why do we continue to hang on with them harming ourselves?

The illusion of relationships

We come across so many kinds of relationships in our day to day life that we hardly take a break to understand the nuances involved in each of them. The marathon of life is so fast and exhausting that we fail to realize the true color of relationships in reality. We dread losing a relationship for the fear of losing something invaluable and unknown. This inherent fear blinds us from seeing the real relationships we are actually dealing with.

Given a situation, we feel sad or hurt or belittled in relationships. We cross the situation hiding the real pain, experiencing different kinds of fears and anxiety. Sometimes, we overestimate the personality on the other side and silence ourselves feeling inferior to them on a comparative scale. Our own assumptions about people and situations make us believe that which is not true in reality.

Lack of understanding of truth involved in situations makes us vulnerable to hurt and despair. We live in an illusionary world in certain relationships which hides truth from us in an intentional manner. Such relationships act so naturally to us that we tend to believe the “false self” they exhibit as the true one at all points of time. It takes a very long time and apt situation(s) for us to realize the illusion involved in such relationships. By the time we realize their true texture, the long distances we have traveled together paves way for the 'so-called' sentiments. 

Memories keep haunting us, disallowing us to severe their relationship, questioning our own self about the validity of the decision. This distances us from our decision to severe dishonest relationships. We remain chained to unworthy relationships sharing our life with the chaos and trauma they cause. We feel perplexed and cornered by the fear of unknown losses that we may incur post breakage with such relationships.

At the end of the day, it is what it is

It is not that we do not realize the falsity in relationships at all points of time. Many times, we do realize the lack of passion, trust, respect and honesty in relationships. Still, attributing one reason or the other, we hesitate to get out of such relationships all through our life time. We dread to look beyond the pain causing relationships disallowing an entry for ourselves into the brighter side of life.  

We suffer pain and distress caused by dishonest relationships, allowing them to intrude in our life for long periods of time. Ultimately, we stand modified into a totally different personality from what we were basically. This change against our basic personality causes internal conflicts within us making life more miserable to handle with passage of time.

Be honest to me or stay away

Is it not true that relationships built on trust do not need any pampering efforts to foster the same? What stops us from saying "Be honest to me or just stay away from me"

Honesty and trust are two factors which act as the basis of any relationship. When people don’t trust you they are dishonest to you. This lack of trust fosters such high levels of dishonesty and falsity in the relationship that the basic foundation gets shaken up. Remaining struck in a relationship whose foundation is weak continues to cause more and more damage to all aspects of life.

Get out of dishonest untruthful false opportunistic relationships in a confident manner.That is not the end of the road.

Breaking away from such relationships is indeed an opening to a better path which is waiting to be ventured. Believe that it will pave way for a new beginning. It will, for sure. 

It is always better to get away from toxic relationships than staying in and harming yourself. You are important, precious and unique. Don’t allow falsity to make you lose your originality.

You buy peace of mind when you let go off the unwanted false relationships. You enjoy optimal levels of physical health through enhanced emotional balance and mental stature.

You will find more time to spend on positive honest relationships that has remained away from you for no valid reason

Believe that hell will not fall on your head when you discontinue an untruthful relationship. Learn fear management. Think if what you will be losing by severing the relationship will cost you your life. Think in a realistic manner disallowing your earlier hesitation and inhibitions to rule your mind. Understand, that which does not cost you your life does not mean anything to you.

Get out of the clutches of fantasy that illusionary relationships create so you can enjoy the ultimate liberation it offers from falsity. 

It is true that separation daunts. However, it is important that we get rid of the 'abandoners' and back stabbers that make our life miserable. 

Unloading false relationships from our life will help us experience contentment, relief, serenity and peace. These are the wonderful feelings that had remained foreign to us till we were chained to such false relationships.

Remember, any relationship that treats you as a foot-mat deserves to be out of your door steps.