Friday 15 September 2017

Poison and Fruit Salad

Doesn't it sound quizzical when someone tells us – ‘don’t show your anger out when you are really angry and behave like you are angry when you really are not?’

We feel like screaming ‘how is this possible. After all emotions are emotions. When we are sad, we cry. When we are happy, we rejoice. In the same wave length, when we are angry, we boil out. So what’s wrong showing out our anger when we are really angry?’ If this is your response, feel happy you have a normal psychology. 

Let us think out of the box. Imagine how our life will be if we control our anger when we are really angry. Don’t you think our life will be a wonderful place to live in without any rifts and rafts?

The better situation is - to behave like we are angry when we really are not since it makes us act in a well thought about manner.

This is a classic example for mind control.

Let's move one step forward

Next time when you are angry, be conscious about being angry. Say to your self - ‘I am angry’. There are two benefits attached to doing this.

Benefit 1 - The moment you realize you are angry, the pace with which your anger rose will slow down. Your anger subsides, toning down the heat caused

Benefit 2 – You get time to think if you really had to become angry during the particular situation. You will think twice before getting angry the next time when a similar situation arises.

This is controlling human mind in the simplest form.

If we allow anger to dominate our life, we remain under the control of the same all throughout our life. It becomes our character and we get defined by the emotion. It is the same with all other emotions too. This is why we say ‘what consumes our mind controls our life’.

The real culprit is…… not our mind

It is we who allow our mind to rewind and review our past again and again. When we focus in diverting our mind to the present, it adheres to our commands in an implicit manner. It is like deciding to see the TV Channel that plays melancholic music all the time. This will make us feel sad bringing out tears all the time. On the contrary, when we decide to come out of the melancholic music channel to feel joyous about a current situation, we need to at least take the minimum effort of changing the channel using the remote control.

Our mind works exactly in the same manner. We have the remote control to switch our mind over from one state to another. Like the television set, when we exert control over our mind, it switches over without resistance. Even the initial resistance can be successfully managed with persistent insistence. 

Rewinding… Ruminating… Reviewing… leads to Rusting

We cannot consume poison and expect it to taste like a Fruit Salad. This is purely physical.

When we ruminate about something that has happened in the past, we continue to chew the cud for the rest of our life. This is purely mental.

We have two choices. We can continue to ruminate throughout our life remaining under the control of our mind. We can learn techniques to overcome the distress or pain we experienced in the past, bringing the mind under our control.

Think deeply and accept honestly - How many times have you felt “I am not feeling comfortable. Let me go for a walk and feel fresh”. Or ‘I don’t want to think about that anymore. Let me come out of it’. This means your inner self wants something that is opposed to what you are experiencing. It is you who refuse to get out of the situation and remain chained to the same.

Shed the heavy weight

Beware,What consumes your mind controls your life. If you decide what must consume your mind, you are deciding what must control your life. If you fail to filter what enters into your mind, you are handing over your life to the unseen monster entering the same. Remember, you cannot lead a positive life carrying all the negative shit in your mind.

Throw the unwanted bulk away from your mind. Keep it light. Allow what is required for the current life to enter through your mind’s gate. Filter everything else out. Be assertive in deciding what is wanted and unwanted. Stand strong by your decision. Any wavering in this front will once again harm the peaceful functioning of your mind.  

It’s easy. Control your MIND. Control your LIFE.

Monday 11 September 2017

Real culprits behind the Blue Whale – A revelation

Blue Whale is no more a mammal in the sea but is the monster of the land. The mammal became highly popular without any branding expenses or advertisement costs thanks to human minds that foster negative things free of cost.

Is it not surprising that a 21 year old Philipp Budeikin was able to control the minds of 100 plus children which their parents failed to do?

Now, this blog is not for promoting the young pervert who created the game with the intention “to clean the society”. This blog intends to reveal the identity of the ‘real culprits who made Philipp Budeikin and Blue Whale so popular making 100 plus children commit suicide in frenzy and fear.

Children – The vulnerable losers

The minds of children work in a complicated manner. It is filled with confusions pertaining to their self worth and capabilities. It is almost like a Pilot who knows to fly a flight but does not know to land the same. The mind of children works in a particular pattern. The fact that the whale that resides in the blue seas has entered into our children’ minds proves that the creator of the game has understood the working of Children’ minds clearly. He knows that the minds of children make them  

  • Feel heavy when let down
  • Seek attention of others around
  • Remain loyal and committed to the ones who it believes in
  •  Feel sad and depressed when they are ignored
  • Seek validation for their capabilities in a constant manner
  • Feel inferior when side lined or belittled

 Creator – The pervert minded controller

The creator of Blue Whale is no doubt a pervert. He has used his perverted mind to schematically control and manipulate the vulnerable minds of children who are total strangers to him. Call him a sociopath or a Psychopath, he has mastered the art of leveraging the fear factor in children’s mind to his advantage. He has skillfully identified children across the globe whose mindset exhibited low levels of self esteem.
This 'pervert minded Blue Whale mastermind' was able to blackmail children whose mind felt unworthy of them. He has completely exploited children whose mind felt lonely due to lack of love. The success of the Blue Whale creator is in the fact that he forced the minds of children to identify itself with a mammal that too, an uncommon one. For him they were just a bunch of ‘biological waste’. This confidence made him alter their minds in an effortless manner.

Parents – The real culprits

It is common to note that the minds of parents keep harping around their children all the time. It focuses on the children so much that every other thing in their life comes only next to their children in their priority list. The Blue Whale seems to disprove this phenomenon about Parental mentality.

Blue Whale targets children of those parents who lose their minds to many things other than their children and their activities. These are the parents who have failed to mind the minds of their children.

Blue Whale suicide deaths vouch for the high control levels that the creator had over his own mind and the minds of unknown unseen children.

This means that  the creator handpicks children whose parents exert least influence over their children’s minds. At least lower than the creator of Blue Whale who is hundreds and thousands of miles away from them.

Drive back the whale to the Blue seas

Banning Blue Whale from the World Wide Web is not a permanent solution to drive the Blue Whale back to the seas. Another shark may come into existence. The only perpetual solution is to understand how minds of children work.

The minds of children longs for love. Tell them you love them as many times as possible. This will make them search for you when they need love and not the ‘Blue Whales’ from the external world

The minds of children are filled with confusions. Not listening to them when they seek clarity lowers their self esteem levels. The mind enters into the state of depression when their confusions are not cleared in a timely manner. They start under estimating themselves and gets into an inferiority complex mode. Their mind starts experiencing fears of different kinds making them withdraw into their shells. They restrict themselves from mingling with others in the real world.

The Final Word

People at home must constantly mingle with children. Keeping children’s mind engaged in casual talks makes it feel relaxed. When the mind is in a relaxed state, children pour out every little thing without any inhibition. This relieves their minds further making it feel lighter. A light mind makes children find solace in their parents and siblings. They feel happy to identify themselves with human mammals at home disallowing ones to come into their lives from the rough seas.