Saturday 2 September 2017

Mind is a dangerous master and an obedient servant

When we hear people say that ‘we can change our life if we change our thinking’, we feel nice. We feel warmth spreading around us giving some sort of solace. The moment we try to indulge deep into the idea, we feel lost. People around us pull back our efforts to think further on these lines. We leave the warmth half way through and proceed with our routine life. Any good remains half baked. Anything positive tends to get disrupted. This is the power of mind, rather, the power of ‘other minds’. Life continues to proceed, forcing the influences of other minds on us. Is it life that forces compromises and sacrifices on us or is it us who is the real reason for the same? 

Mind is a mad house
Many a time we fail to be mindful of our mind. Our mind has an inner mind that acts as its basis. The jabberwocky nature of our mind goes unnoticed till such point we consciously start observing the same. The cranky manner in which our mind makes us react, forces us to experience wild unmanageable roller coaster rides. We keep wondering what went wrong and if at all we did anything that must not have been done. Remember, this is another state of the same mind of ours that caused so much of chaos. Throughout all these things, the ‘mind of our mind’ witnesses our confused state as a silent spectator.

Mind is a ‘dangerous master’
We focus on the external forces around us with such keenness every moment that we lack time to observe ourselves internally. Mind works non-stop and is so much of a workaholic that it never ceases to generate thoughts even for a nano second. It keeps loading us with one thought over the other forcing us to think and act based on the same. This statement means – mind keeps winning over ‘us’ as our ‘Master’ throughout our life. Relate this to the woman of the household issuing one instruction over the other to the maid. The maid keeps completing one chore after the other as per her master’s instructions. Our Mind acts as our 'Master' deciding our 'thoughts and actions' throughout our life. Now you understand the reason why we said that our Mind is a ‘dangerous’ master.   

Mind is an ‘obedient servant’
It is our mind that generates thoughts in us and realizing this is the first step towards becoming the ‘master’ of our mind. When you focus on the thoughts generated by the mind, you 'experience the feelings and moods' caused by the same. This is what happens during normal situations when you are under the control of your mind.

Observe your mind whenever you feel tensed or stressed out. Focus on the thought patterns rather than the thoughts themselves. When you 'focus on the thought pattern', it will make you understand the working of the mind. This is when your mind is under your control and you are not under the control of your mind. This is the first step towards bringing your mind under your control.

Bring your mind under your control
Practice uttering the emotion you experience instead of experiencing the same. For instance, when you feel angry about something, instead of brewing the same in the mind utter the word ‘ANGRY’. This will dissociate your mind from 'converting the thoughts in to your actions' for a brief period of time. You are out of control of your mind.

The feelings we experience are nothing but our mind’s way of expression. Acknowledge its feelings. Talk to your mind as frequently as possible. By refusing to experience the ‘thoughts’ generated by your mind and saying the word that denotes its emotion, you are reassuring your mind that you have understood its feelings. Try this consciously and you will soon realize that you are at peace with your mind.

This is the stage when 'you will be the master of your mind'. Your mind will obey every command of yours. The explicit obedience of your mind will make you realize how loyal a servant it is to you.

Take control of your life
Remember, when you learn to identify the feelings instead of experiencing the same, you are pulling yourself mentally away from the situation. You will understand that mind is nothing but a ‘thought machine’ which produces thoughts over thoughts. It is up to you to decide which thoughts you will be focusing on and which ones you will ignore. You will gradually realize that your life is not shaped because of your circumstances but by the control you have over your mind.This learning will help you to allow your mind to be your master and control the same as your servant according to your wish. Take control of your inner world and conquer life completely.


Vijayaraghavan R said...

Typically what is mind. I was taught it is non-physical. Do minds have same strength or they also differ like physical bodies who have different strengths by genes.

Santy said...

Mind is a dangerous master and an obedient servant ::
Just rethink what your mind says rather accepting it.. by which your Mind becomes Servant. Since we have practiced our minds since birth like Mind as Master... Making Minds as Servant might take time... but worth a tons :) Thumbs Up and commendable stuff :)


Vijayaraghavan R said...

Mind is a mad house: Does character gets defined by mind? Why is it so that I always enjoy the so called bad things like laziness, eating too much, arguing a lot & anything, keep wasting time and not so determined. Being active and controlling senses are hard to practice. And even hard to keep it rolling. Even a single day lapse breaks the whole chain apart.

Vijayaraghavan R said...

Mind is a dangerous master: Imagine a child, who, from birth is left all alone. Say It does not feel hunger or any need. In that case will the mind have any thoughts. Or only if there are actions around a mind thoughts will arise? Many say that animals too have a mind, is it equal to a human mind?

Vijayaraghavan R said...

Mind is a obedient servant: Can a mind be watched by the same body associated? What would watch a mind. Brain?

Vijayaraghavan R said...

Bring your mind under your control: Thats awesome to hear that by uttering the emotion in a known language the effect can be minimized. I would like to try that. Is it like the famous saying 'all is well' in the 3 idiots movie ('Nanban' movie in Tamil). So typically we need to overcome the mind by making it believe that we obey it.

Anonymous said...

Yes Mr Vijayaraghavan.
1. Minds are unique individual entities that are not connected with any physical aspects. Our mind is as strong as we train them to be

2. Yes. character gets defined by mind and hence it becomes important to keep the same under our control. Laziness is not a bad thing as long as your are on your goals and your are just idling. Eating too much probably because of stress or boredom. Arguing a lot & anything, keep wasting time and not so determined - You are under the control of your mind :). Being active and controlling senses are hard to practice - These are easy when you bring your mind under your control.

3. Imagine a child, who, from birth is left all alone. Say It does not feel hunger or any need. In that case will the mind have any thoughts. - Hunger and basic necessities are natural phenomenon. If a child whether abandoned or cared for does not feel these things, probably it is brain dead :). Such physical requirements trigger reactions in the mind. The child tries to get satisfied with the needs.

Or only if there are actions around a mind thoughts will arise? Many say that animals too have a mind, is it equal to a human mind?
Whether we are surrounded by people or all alone... Mind keeps functioning.Animals have mind like humans and it is more visible when they express their survival instincts

Can a mind be watched by the same body associated? What would watch a mind. Brain?
Yes. When we learn to dissociate ourselves from our original self, we will be able to observe our self as a third person. Self talk helps a lot in this

Uttering the emotion is to temporarily distract the mind from the emotion it is experiencing