Wednesday 30 August 2017

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye

Truth Versus Imagination 
All that we see through our physical eyes are not really true. Many situations in life make us believe what we see through our eyes, disallowing us to think beyond the same. This makes us misunderstand the reality and take a tangent from the path we actually need to tread. Time factor keeps us busy in many activities most of which engross us in trivial aspects with all seriousness. The speed in which we travel through the journey of life distracts us from the reality making us survive in a space filled with imagination. We fail to see the hidden truth behind the many incidents constantly happening around us one after the other.

The perpetual war between the heart and the brain

Man who is termed as a social animal is made to run between the pillar and the post during most of the occasions. This happens mainly due to the inner conflict happening between his heart and the brain. While his brain convinces him through its logic, his heart makes him yield to emotions. Today’s nuclear family setups have changed the outlook of people towards emotions. The competition that prevails in every aspect of life demands speed in thinking to keep up with the pace of the world around. This makes people sideline emotions that get the priority of the heart while the brain continues to insist on the logic in everything. This inner conflict remains one of those constants in life denying us the understanding that sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. 

Reality in relation to the heart 

We hate to touch and lift the old man who falls on the road in front of us just because he is in rags and his skin is dry with lots of wrinkles. We befriend the classmate who looks attractive and hate to be around those who lack physical beauty. We admire the mannerisms of the affluent ones around us pulling ourselves away from the financially downtrodden. We tend to hide from a co-student who keeps approaching us frequently considering it as a disturbance. We choose the company of people who make us laugh ignoring those who are morose and lost. 

Our physical eyes capture things in the manner mentioned above, while our heart which is full of compassion sees the other side of matters. Our heart sees what our eyes missed to see.

It pushes us to lift the old man who needs help, without bothering about touching the dry wrinkled skin or his physical body draped in rags. It makes us feel sorry for the classmate who lacks beauty. It makes us tell her that physical beauty is something that will wane away with time but she has admirable mental attributes. It makes us empathize with the financially downtrodden and helps them find a way to become financially stronger than they are today. It makes us more approachable to those who want to share their sadness with us, lessening the burden on their heart. It teaches us to care for those who are morose and do everything possible to unload the weight on their shoulders. It makes us speak with them in a soothing manner which cost nothing to us but means the world to them.

Remember, the world around us works in a predetermined pattern. We are all small magical pieces scattered all around the ether related with each other in mysterious ways. We get together for various reasons and part away for what we consider as valid reasons. There are many people around us waiting to be noticed, yearning to be loved and longing to be hugged. Instead of getting carried away by the external looks of people and situations, let us open our heart to be more humane because sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.

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