Monday 4 September 2017

Eyes are useless when the mind is blind..!

Connection between the physical and mental body acts as the basis for emotions we experience in our life. The physical aspect of ours exerts influence over our mental attributes deciding their reactions. The mental attributes exhibit their power over our physical aspects causing issues that are tough to manage. One of the physical parts that act as the key source for most of our mental dilemma is our eyes. Our eyes and mind interact with each other in a constant manner. Human mind gets most of the inputs through the eyes. However, how your mind reacts to the same decides the value of your eyes and the importance of the inputs received through the same.

We are blind to the world around us

It is a fact that our eyes help us to view the physical world around us. But how we view the world around us is actually decided by our internal eye called Mind. When the mind is influenced by the positive characteristics of people, it immediately attaches itself with them. When our mind comes across people who are opposed to its views, the resultant expression is bigotry. In both these cases, physical attraction or repulsiveness does not play a crucial role but has a minimalist impact to the extent of creating first impression. It is actually the mental attributes that makes our mind to identify or be unfair with the world around us. Again, first impression is something that gets formed in the Mind. So, are we looking at the world around us in the real manner it ought to be looked at?

The emotional journey – From confusion to clarity

Clarity in thoughts leads to peace filled existence. When we are in a confused state of mind, we feel agitated and restless owing to the lowered self confidence levels. Clarity in 'men and matters judgment' offers solace to our mind and it exists in a positive state ready to look things from a different perspective. The journey from 'confusion to clarity' is usually a highly emotional one. But this is when we get trained automatically to be indifferent to many things happening around us. This clarity converts us into more matured resilient beings whose acceptance level towards the world around is astoundingly high.

For instance, when we get blocked with our own belief system and refuse to see value in other systems, we are at logger heads with people around us. This neither takes us anywhere nor allows people to come near us. We feel let down and think that the world around us is a negative place to live. This negativity automatically permeates in all aspects around us. During such situations our physical eyes lose their value completely. They just perform the task of a computer monitor showing out what is being processed by the processor inside. Our Mind which is in a state of total chaos continues to brew over the negativity again and again. We term life as a 'hell on earth'.

Open your eyes to see your blessings

The words 'open your eyes' mean the internal eye and not the physical eyes that helps you to view the external world. Our internal world needs so much of attention that focusing on the same will help us manage our external world with clarity. It is this internal eye that attempts to focus our physical eyes in the appropriate manner. This explains clearly why minding our mind is important.

Focus your efforts to look at the positive things in life. Look at the struggles of life as one of the greatest blessings that facilitate your forward movement. Help your mind to notice the tiny little miracles scattered all around you, where ever you go. When you tune your mind to look at the positive aspects of life, your mind gets stronger and identifies the blessings showered on you. Instead of allowing your Mind to force you to think about your burdens, train the same to constantly think about the blessings. This will make your mind experience the much needed peace. Thinking of your blessings strengthens your mind, healing the earlier wounds experienced. It also protects your mind from getting wounded as you move forward in life.

Look at the blessings surrounding you through your mind, to modify the way you see the world around you with your physical eyes. You will get immersed in the abundant blessings being showered on you, helping you to enjoy the bliss at all points of time.

Experience blessing by being a blessing

Wake up every day assuring yourself that you will not believe everything you see with your physical eyes
Talk to yourself as much as possible. Remember, talking to yourself means you are talking to your mind
Start the day with the affirmation - ‘Today will be a positive day’

     Do your chores with a calm mind realizing that to be able to perform your chores all by yourself is a blessing

     Look at the greenery around you and feel contended that to see such greenery is a blessing by itself

     Consciously try to keep out of the company of negative people. Ironically, if they are your close ones, accept the reality. Remember, the ultimate motive of both these efforts must be towards striking peace with your own self.

     Try to be amidst ‘like-minded’ people. Your mind likes this and so will co-operate with you to live in peace.

     When you are surrounded by people who are positive minded, the vibes created flow to your inner self calming your mind down

     Keep talking to yourself as much as possible. If you are not your best friend who else can be?

     Train your mind to look at the blessings in every situation so it does not get upset with things happening in front of your eyes

     See with your mind not just with your eyes

Learn to think more about your blessings than lamenting about the blemishes in life. Blemishes are in fact another set of blessings that help us understand what perfection is all about. Be thankful. Be grateful. Feel blessed. This will help you see the world around through your mind rather than through your physical eyes. Remember, eyes are useless when the mind is blind.


Unknown said...

Fantastic write up.. Keep the mind focused on the job, things will happen on its own... Really enjoyed my association with 'like minded' people in my life.. What a clarity of thought.. One more brilliant piece of writing from you..

Vinod Nathaniel said...

Wow. Fantastic

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Unknown said...

Excellently narrated and a good eye opener. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Thank you