Saturday 30 September 2017

Suicide - Is it their choice or our inattention?

Do any of us choose to have heart attacks?
Do any of us choose to have migraine headaches that cause excruciating pain?
How many of us want to be the victims of criminal offenses or terrorist attacks?
Do we want any of our children to be molested sexually or mentally abused?
Does any woman in this world want to be raped by perpetrators or beaten up by their husbands?
Do any of us desire to be mistreated or discriminated in our day to day life?
Do any of us desire to commit suicide?

It is a fact that death is not an antonym of life but a part of it. Still, suicides have always shocked us. When a close one ‘self slaughters’ themselves, their memories inside us starts killing us. Our life becomes hard since we constantly get killed every moment while still being alive. Do we really deserve such a daunting life? Who caused us this painful life – the person who committed suicide or ourselves?

When people commit suicide?
People don’t commit suicide when they have many choices in life. Suicide, in reality, is not a choice but the left over option when everything else in life seems to fail. Some factors that push people to kill themselves are ‘ignorance’, misguided notions, outdated ideologies and idiotic belief systems.

People commit suicide when they feel that their basic potential has decomposed into irreparable disappointments. Such feelings make them think that it is easy to ‘die once’ than to face the problems one over the other. As a prisoner wants to escape from the prison, a depressed person wants to escape from living.
The sadistic killer inside them pushes them to strangulate themselves for no logical reason. Their body gets brutalized by the agonies experienced by their mind. Even normal activities like breathing, eating, walking, thinking and sleeping becomes unbearable for them.

They feel overwhelmed due to frustrations, desperation, disappointments, mediocrity, idleness, limited insights, difficulties, insatiability, poverty, pain and vicissitudes. The mental weakness created by the above factors drives them to the conclusion that life is not worth living. Rather, they feel afraid to live anymore.

Signs indicating abnormality in people

 Many who commit suicide tend to show one or the other symptoms listed below.Observing them closely will help save their life on time.

  • Talks frequently about death or dying
  • Unable to cope up with their mental trauma experienced due to the death of a  close one
  • Loss of interest in relationships (including friendships), activities and habits
  • Sudden changes in personality type – Being sad and withdrawn. Showing signs of irritation 
  • frequently. 
  • Exhibiting high levels of anxiety and indecisiveness. Being constantly restless
  • Lack of focus in school, office or at home in whatever they are supposed to do
  • Change in sleeping patterns. Oversleeping or early waking up. Insomnia or suffering from nightmarish dreams during sleep 
  • Change in eating habits – Over eating or eating lesser than their normal quantities or frequencies 
  • Actions that are self harming or causing harm to others 
  • Speaking hopelessly all the time

Suicides are not really suicides
Suicides are nothing but cheating oneself out of the chance for existing.

Nobody would choose suicide over life if we chop the “pain-causing-wound’ inside them.

Nobody will handshake with suicide if we hand hold them during their tough times in life.

Nobody will opt to sleep permanently if we offer a passionate ear to the agony they experience during their sleepless nights.

Nobody will try to forcefully fly out of this world if we spend time with them identifying the mental torture they experience
Nobody will despise this world if we give them company, disallowing them to feel that the world is getting smaller and uglier.

Nobody will feel like committing suicide if we make their pain bearable and teach them how they must feel about their life.

Let us help them live 

Not wanting to die is a heavier challenge than wanting to live.

It is the responsibility of each one of us to help people whose mind splinters, swallowing them in to their own madness.

Let us make people who move towards suicide realize that they have got many choices in life.

Let us help them turn their woes of life into indelible foot marks that is worth emulating. 
It is important that we make them laugh and cry openly so they sweat out their willingness to die.

Let us give them the hope to fight back their life challenges instead of making them yield to their suicidal instincts.

Let us help them to change that which is driving them crazy instead of becoming a prey to the incorrigible madness.

Let us make them realize that no circumstance in life is uncommon to human. 

It is our responsibility to make their past slide down the drain so they will be their normal self again.

It is a fact that people commit suicide not to end their life but just to end their pains. They need our help. Remember, it is just not about saving a single life but the lives of whole lot of people who love them. Suicide, per se, is not cowardliness. It is the call of the suffering souls for helping hands.

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